Dr. Shirley Baker DDS offers personalized dental treatment. Above all, she enjoys drawing upon her teaching experience at UNAM Mexico City to help you understand all that is involved in your dental treatment. At first, she will carefully go over all of the details of her evaluation with you. She will then offer options based on long term prognosis, pricing, and other important factors. In all his makes a big difference for your treatment in the long term.
Personalized Dental Treatment is our mission
As a “boutique dental office” we pride ourselves on personal service, communication and openness. There are no hidden prices or codes. For instance, by not following insurance company treatments we can personalize your treatment to what is actually best for you. What an insurance company will pay your provider and when should not influence your care. Our highest quality dental restorations at lower pricing equal the best possible outcome for your long term health and wallet.
Personalized Dental Treatment is a right
The insurance system is concerned with the health of insurance companies, not for the health of patients. First of all, we all have been trained by the health care system to accept sub-par treatment from our medical and dental providers. Following this, there is no reason anyone should have to accept cheap dental restorations or wait for treatments as their condition worsens. We offer a way out. By offering the best restorations at much lower prices than the U.S. we give dental patients the freedom to make choices. As a result, freedom of choice allows you to tailor your treatment to your needs.
Call or text us right now at U.S. local number 619-971-2297. Email us at tdentalspa@gmail.com
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to serving you soon!
- Dr. Baker DDS with a dental patient
- Dr. Baker DDS with a dental patient
- Dr. Baker DDS with a dental patient
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